Activity History For  Charlene McGee    ProSkill  1200 
Activity TypeDateProSkillTop TimePosition
Arrive and Drive - Kart 6 18/05/2017 6:20 PM 1135 (-2)21.417 9th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 13 18/05/2017 6:10 PM 1186 (-51)22.984 8th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 6 18/05/2017 5:10 PM 1200 (-5)23.029 4th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 6 18/05/2017 5:20 PM 1195 (-5)22.239 4th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 6 18/05/2017 5:30 PM 1190 (-4)21.988 4th