Activity History For  stoner 10    ProSkill  1200 
Activity TypeDateProSkillTop TimePosition
Arrive and Drive - Kart 6 23/11/2018 11:40 PM 1097 (-27)22.779 5th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 9 23/11/2018 11:20 PM 1105 (-8)22.798 4th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 4 23/11/2018 11:00 PM 1114 (-9)22.455 4th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 3 23/11/2018 10:40 PM 1152 (-38)23.029 6th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 3 23/11/2018 10:30 PM 1175 (-23)23.050 4th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 15 23/11/2018 10:20 PM 1200 (-25)23.891 4th