Activity History For  MCT    ProSkill  1200 
Activity TypeDateProSkillTop TimePosition
Arrive and Drive - Kart 2 12/01/2019 6:40 PM 1200 (-54)25.416 7th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 6 12/01/2019 7:10 PM 1125 (-19)24.492 5th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 6 12/01/2019 7:00 PM 1146 (-21)24.904 5th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 6 23/11/2014 3:20 PM 1111 (-43)29.828 10th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 17 23/11/2014 3:10 PM 1116 (-5)29.675 6th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 7 23/11/2014 3:00 PM 1200 (-84)33.625 11th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 8 27/09/2014 11:50 AM 1205 (5)31.244 2nd
Arrive and Drive - Kart 8 27/09/2014 11:40 AM 1200 (5)31.852 2nd