Activity History For  Brad     ProSkill  1200 
Activity TypeDateProSkillTop TimePosition
Arrive and Drive - Kart 15 03/06/2016 3:50 PM 1088 (-6)30.939 4th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 17 10/04/2016 10:20 AM 1200 (-59)35.490 8th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 17 10/04/2016 10:30 AM 1141 (-53)35.672 8th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 14 22/12/2015 8:20 PM 1031 (-60)34.615 11th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 20 22/12/2015 8:10 PM 1107 (-76)36.248 11th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 9 22/12/2015 8:00 PM 1200 (-93)41.542 12th