Activity History For  Hunter     ProSkill  1095 
Activity TypeDateProSkillTop TimePosition
Arrive and Drive - Kart 16 24/10/2024 10:00 PM 1144 (-49)20.309 7th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 17 24/10/2024 9:30 PM 1115 (29)19.312 3rd
Arrive and Drive - Kart 16 24/10/2024 9:00 PM 1145 (-30)20.558 6th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 30 19/06/2024 11:20 PM 1200 (-15)21.073 3rd
Arrive and Drive - Kart 22 19/06/2024 11:40 PM 1164 (-19)21.139 5th
Arrive and Drive - Kart 28 19/06/2024 11:30 PM 1185 (-21)21.259 5th